Shipment and Delivery

Deliver Time = Progress time + Shipping time

  • Progress Time: 1-3 Days

Shipping time:

  • Standard: 5-12 Days
  • Express: 2-4 Days

Deliver Time:

  • Standard Shipping: 6-15 Days
  • Express Shipping: 3-7 Days

Shipping Cost

  • Standard Shipping: $10 per Order, No Quantity Limit
  • Express Shipping: $25 per Order, No Quantity Limit

Shipping Area

We will ship to most of the countries in the world. If you can't find your country in the list below, please contact us to confirm before placing the order.

North America:

United States, Canada


England, France, Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Finland, Ireland, Belgium, Portugal, Austria, Norway, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Greece


Australia, New Zealand


Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan,China, 

Middle East:

Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel